Mumbai: VML India was awarded the Honoree recognition at the 21st Webby Awards for Mahindra Group under the Website: Corporate Social Responsibility Category, for the work done forthewww.riseforgood.comwebsite. This website is a gateway website into the world of Mahindra’s corporate citizenship initiatives.Only the top 17% of the 13,000 entries from around the world are conferred with the Honoree award.
The Webby awards are the leading international award honoring excellence on the internet.Established in 1996 during the Web’s infancy, The Webbys is presented by the International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences (IADAS)—a 2000+ member judging body. The Academy is comprised of Executive Members—leading Web experts, business figures, luminaries, visionaries and creative celebrities—and Associate Members who are former Webby Winners, Nominees and other Internet professionals.
“This is our 3rdrecognition from the Webby’s for our work atMahindra since 2010. Makes us very proud and happy to have achieved this in a fantastic partnership with VML over 6 years,”said Karthik Balakrishnan VP, Corporate Brand, Mahindra Group

Tripti Lochan, CEO, Southeast Asia and India, VML said, “It is an absolute honour to be recognised for the work we are doing for some of our long-standing client partners like Mahindra Group. Being awarded at the Webby Awards, among the best entries in the world, is an amazing validation of our Platforms & Experiences practice in Southeast Asia & India.”