Manforce Condoms, a condom brand from the house of Mankind Pharma, has come up with the ‘Travel with Manforce’ campaign. The campaign revolves around couples who are planning a vacation anytime soon with Manforce Ultrafeel condoms.
The campaign highlights that no matter how romantic or adventurous a place a couple visits during their holiday, ultimately they end up seeing a fan. The campaign talks about couples who may go around India or the world. However, there is one thing that they all do a lot during their vacation ‘seeing a fan’ while getting closer to their partner. This is the most common view during a vacation, and to highlight the core messaging of the campaign, the brand has come up with different activities on social media platforms. The idea of the campaign is to excite the couples who are planning a vacation to make it memorable with Manforce Ultra feel condoms.
To amplify the message, the one-month long campaign has been divided into phases. To create the buzz, the brand launched teaser videos coupled with static posts to gauge the interests of the audience. It has also roped in a couple of influencers for this campaign. The influencer couples posted fun and quirky videos of them packing their bags where they packed Manforce Ultra feel condoms as their travel companion.

The campaign gives a message to use condoms during the trip to the most preferred places. Talking about the campaign, Joy Chatterjee, General Manager, Sales & Marketing of Mankind Pharma said, “Manforce Condoms is a condom brand in India and through this campaign, we are again giving the message of having safe sex, but this time in a fun way. We have collaborated with influencers to further amplify our message that even if you are traveling to your favorite destination with your partner always use a condom”