Noida: ZEE Media conducted a sting operation which made a big disclosure of NEET seats being rigged. It revealed how the seats are being bought and sold, even before the NEET exam takes place. The operation was telecast simultaneously on ZEE Hindustan, ZEE Rajasthan & ZEE Bihar Jharkhand who unfolded the truth of how this scam is being carried out.
The sting operation which was carried out by the channel for over a year revealed the truth that ‘Admission Nexus’ kills the rights of hardworking children. Seats are being sold even before the NEET exam. The most shocking thing came to the fore that the brokers do complete planning before the NEET exam and have a complete eye on each seat in which a large network of touts were involved from all over the country. The operation also disclosed other facts related to this racket that medical and engineering seats are dealt in the country and there are many such methods, through which either NEET exam is passed by adopting fake route or direct admission is given in government and private colleges.

Purushottam Vaishnava, CEO & Editor in Chief Zee Media, said, “Journalism has a very important part to play in upholding the fabric of the society. Unravelling the dark side of societal dealings is important to keep the structure in check. We are proud of our editors and reporters who keep relentlessly working to bring the under-the-table dealings for the people to take action on. 40 lakhs is not a low number to achieve in this world where the attention span is as low at 10 secs”

Shamsher Singh, Managing Editor ZEE Hindustan mentioned, “This was a very important operation for us. Thousands of students have their dreams attached to NEET exams. Thousands of parents dream their children cracking this exam. To have all these deams and effort end up accounting for nothing because of a scam is something we could not just stand by and watch. We are glad that we could bring this to the light and the authouritites could take action on the same.”
#OperationNEET was trending on 10th September among top 5 all afternoon as the telecast started, retaining the no 1 spot for a substantial duration. The operation hashtag was mentioned 40 lakh times in the last 4 days. #OperationNEET created a huge impact. As soon as the story was aired, the police raided and arrested 5 people in connection to the scam. Police is still investigating on the racket and looking out for people involved in the same.

Manoj Jagyasi, Chief Revenue Officer, ZEE Media opined, “ZEE Media puts viewers first and therefore our stories are in the interest of our viewers. In the last 2 months alone ZEE Hindustan revealed 4 sordid deals in the society that were ripped open for the whole country to see. The way our #OperationNEET trended the whole afternoon and the people’s reaction to it holds light to this endeavour of ours.”