Mumbai: Metro Brands Limited (MBL) has launched a new tagline #GoodVibesOnly for its sub-brand Metro Shoes to infuse a fresh new, youthful energy.
The #GoodVibesOnly tagline will follow a 360-degree focus on digital and social platforms. To reach out to its target group across the nation, Metro Shoes has a new campaign lined up where it has roped in social influencers across verticals to generate the right buzz with a dance hook step.

“#GoodVibesOnly felt like a natural next step to our #LetThereBeBright campaign, as the world looks forward to a post-pandemic era filled with hope and colour. We wanted the customer to feel the vibes as soon as they see our new collection. Additionally, the groovy song and steps was our version of having fun with a great pair of shoes. We hope this positive energy resonates with every individual looking to spread Good Vibes. This is the spirit we celebrate!” said Alisha Malik, President – Ecommerce & Marketing, Metro Brands Ltd.
Metro Shoes has created the song, lyrics and hook step to the background score for them film from scratch. The models and dancers in the video are all hand-picked by the brand team.