News18 Lokmat recently organised a vibrant Mangalagaur competition that witnessed enthusiastic participation of women throughout Mumbai. The event was a grand celebration of Maharashtra’s traditional culture, offering women a platform to showcase their devotion and talent.
A distinguished panel including popular actress Mansi Naik, and renowned choreographers Subhash Nakase and Sonia Parchure, served as judges for the competition. Their expertise added great value to the event, ensuring that the performances were evaluated with appreciation and fairness.
The News18 Mangalagaur competition will be broadcast in a four-episode series on News18 Lokmat, providing viewers with insights into the different facets of the competition. The event was co-presented by Orange Cookware and Appliances, and co-powered by 99Villa, a brand by Zaminwale along with cosmetic partner Meena Elements, and finance partner Money 2Me.
Tune in to News18 Lokmat every Tuesday at 3:25 PM to witness the spirit of the Mangalagaur competition.
-Based on Press Release